Depression and Community Support Interview

Hey folks!
So, my new book, In It Together: Navigating Depression with Partners, Family, and Friends, is trucking along and while it was largely inspired by the interviews I did for the old book (The Monster Under the Bed: Sex, Depression, and the Conversations We Aren’t Having) I decided I wanted to do a round of interviews that was specific to this book.
Who is eligible for this interview?
Anyone with a history of depression!
Will people see my responses?
First things first, these interviews are completely anonymous, you don’t even enter your name! Secondly, only I, JoEllen, will see your completed interview. That said, your individual responses may appear (anonymously) in my new book In It Together: Navigating Depression with Partners, Family, and Friends.
Do I have to make an appointment?
Heck no! Doing the interviews for my first book taught me that expecting folks with depression to show up for interview appointments is asking a bit too much (which I totally get!) and also, that I hate transcribing recorded interviews so this interview is a written thing that you can complete online and in your own time!
What is this for?
If you participate in the interview your responses may appear (anonymously) in my new book In It Together: Navigating Depression with Partners, Family, and Friends.
Thank you so much for your participation! It is very much appreciated!
Feel free to share this with anyone you know who might be interested!