I am a creature of habit and a big fan of internet shopping, this frequently results in unintentional brand loyalty. This was the case with my lubricant shopping. I have been using the same product forever. I first bought it at Babeland in NYC back when they were still called Toys in Babeland, basically dinosaurs were roaming the earth and I was buying some lube. I realized that maybe there were better things I could be using so I decided to take advantage of my proximity to a kick-ass sex shop to learn more about what’s out there. While I no longer live near the wonderful Babeland, I am fortunate enough to live just 2 miles (yeah, I’ve done the math, what?) from a Good Vibrations outpost and today I got a little lube education (as well as an impulse toy purchase… um it’s tax free shopping weekend here so I think that’s a good justification) that I will now pass along to you.
It turns out the product I have been using, while perfectly good as a lubricant, does contain parabens which are the source of some debate in terms of safety. Interestingly, the danger as explained to me in the store (having to do with elasticity of the vaginal walls) is different from danger as I’m finding it explained as I read more. Here’s the most thorough explanation I’ve found. That said, I was interested in finding a paraben-free product, regardless of whose reason is correct- I’d rather not be putting something people are debating the chemical safety of on my genitals.
The product I had always used was water-based. My reasons for this were two-fold: 1. Hippie that I am I liked the idea of “water-based” vs. silicone (yes, I know this was a weird reason, see the story where I first made this decision in infancy) 2. Silicone lubes cannot be used with silicone toys because they will sort of melt the toy (that’s right, for years I barely knew how my own body worked but this factoid I had down- WTH?)¹ I had considered other water-based products in the past but always found them a bit sticky. So, the mission was a paraben-free, not sticky product.
Enter the lovely ladies of Good Vibrations who steered me away from the water based section, handed me a bottle I never would have even picked up and introduced me to the slippery new love of my life: Please Cream Lubricant.
I never would have considered this one because of its creamy appearance and silicone content but once I felt it I realized I couldn’t care less what Please looks like, it feels amazing! And as for the silicone, here’s where it gets extra awesome: Please is technically water-based with a small amount of silicone giving you the best of all worlds- it doesn’t get sticky AND it doesn’t ruin your toys! According to the website this fabulous stuff is also eco-friendly and anal-safe. One more thing- it’s actually moisturizing- what?! I love this stuff! Right now I may be slightly more excited about my lube than I am about the actual sex!
All that said, the product I love may not be the product you love so do some research of your own. Over at the Good Vibes site there is a great page on how to choose a lubricant as well as a lovely lubricant information chart for easy comparison shopping so go check it out!
You can find Please Cream at Good Vibrations!