Okay, that made it sound like I was going to write a poem and I’m definitely not but, seriously folks, Sliquid. I’m pretty sure a lot of us love them and really, what’s not to love? They make a pretty huge range of lubes with absolutely none of the stuff that most of us prefer our lubes not have (parabens, glycerin, propelyne glycol, etc), they are actually good people (Did you know that Sliquid was one of the sponsors of Woodhull’s Sexual Freedom Summit this year?) and they’ve got a sense of humor…. just look at this month’s SheVibe cover! Sliquid is pretty rad.
I’ve had a couple of favorites from Sliquid for a while now: the Organics Natural Gel and Organics Silk have both had places in my heart for some time but over the summer I discovered a couple of new things. So let’s talk a bit about 4 of my favorite Sliquid products (old and new).
Organics Silk
Sliquid Organics Silk first entered my life when one of my friends at the Brookline Good Vibrations gave me a bottle right before I left Boston. It was well established that I loved hybrid lube but I was moving to a land where they was no Good Vibrations and thus my steady supply of my newfound-favorite was about to come to an end. Sliquid Organics Silk is just lovely. Creamy, long-lasting and -you guessed it- silky with the best parts of water-based and silicone lube all in one place. It is the organic counterpart to Sliquid Naturals Silk (Fun fact: Most lubes in the Naturals line have counterparts in the Organics line that are infused with organic botanical extracts)
Organics Natural Gel
Last year I went on a mission to find a water-based lube I liked. Everybody cried out Sliquid Sassy!!! But I had tried Sassy and didn’t love it (I know, sacrilege). Remembering my preference for the organic version of the Silk lube I decided to give the Sassy’s organic counterpart, Sliquid Organics Natural Gel a try and it was perfect! This gel is thick and soothing and my go-to for any time I want a little extra cushioning or if things have been going on for a bit and I’m feeling a little tender. This lube is like self-care for my bits, like a snuggly lube blanket. I keep some on hand at all times.
Splash Feminine Wash (DISCONTINUED)
I always give any kind of “feminine wash” a strong side-eye because vulvas aren’t meant to be soaped, it’s just not a thing. Also, those products generally come with a “your bits are kind of gross, clean that up” message that I can’t abide by. Now, Sliquid doesn’t market their Splash feminine wash like that at all. No implication that it is necessary. No suggestion that bits are dirty or gross. One brief mention of the product’s ability to remove “odor-causing bacteria” but in general, the promotion of the product is pretty unobtrusive. So unobtrusive that I didn’t notice it. Then Elle Chase recommended it to me. Then I saw Ducky Doolittle mention that it can be used as bubble bath. But I was steadfast in my stance that vulvas don’t need soap. Finally after a particularly intense bout of period sex with a fluid-bonded partner left me caked in a mixture of blood, semen and silicone lube I found myself wanting to soap my vulva. So I gave it a try and now I’m obsessed. This is officially the only soap-like product I would ever tell anyone to put on their vulva and I recommend it wholeheartedly. I have tried unscented and Honeydew Cucumber and they are both lovely.
Smooth Shave Creams (DISCONTINUED)
Yes, I shave. I know, it’s terribly passé of me but remember, bodily autonomy is for everyone. Anyway, two years ago I bought some shave gel and about a week later the nozzle stopped working. Because I’m totally stubborn I couldn’t get my head around buying more because there was a full container right there! So I’ve been shaving with soap for 2 years. Recently Elle Chase (In case you couldn’t tell, Elle really likes Sliquid) told me that I simply HAD TO try Sliquid Smooth Shave Cream. I will be honest, my whole thought process here was “This would end the broken shave gel can stalemate” but then I used the Grapefruit Thyme shave cream and felt what it was like to have my skin feel nice after I shaved it (seriously folks, mango and shea butter- yum!). This stuff doesn’t foam of get sudsy, it’s just creamy and luxurious and leaves you feeling lovely. I now have both the Grapefruit Thyme and the Unscented in my shower.
These products were provided to me free of change in exchange for my honest review. My review policy is simple: I will never lie about liking a product if I don’t (in fact I probably won’t even write about it) but when I do like something it’s hard to get me to shut up about it.