Want to support my work and score some fun stuff? Support me on Patreon! Hey folks! So, if you’ve been following me here for a while, you may have noticed
3 Ways To Use The Internet As Your Sexual Communication Wingman

I recently talked to my partner about how, once you’ve lived in sex positive world for a while, you start to forget that not everyone is comfortable talking openly about
Ergonomic Vibrators: What They Are and Why It Matters

Quick! Picture a vibrator! Now describe it. I’ll bet you thought of words like sleek, sexy, curved, or maybe even modern but how about ergonomic? Ergonomic might not be the
Seriously, Stop Gendering Sex Toys

One of my favorite pieces of feedback I have ever gotten after teaching came from a student in a class I taught during the University of Tennessee’s Sex Week in
Seriously, Don’t Yuck Each Other’s Yums

Don’t yuck my yum. If you have spent any time in the sex positive world, odds are you have heard some variation of this phrase. The exact wording may vary
Here’s The Thing About “Porn Sex” vs “Real Sex”

There are some headlines that come up over and over again in sex world and one that makes my skin crawl is “The Difference Between Porn Sex and Real Sex”
Valentines Day in the Time of Covid-19

Even though it feels like we have been living through this pandemic for roughly 23 years, this time last year most of us in the U.S. were still going about
Want to Have a Sex Toy Sale? Here’s How I Did It!

When you write about sex, people send you sex toys. Seriously. Even if you don’t ask for them (YMMV on that). I know I started receiving them before I knew
When Crisis Brings Clarity: The Unexpected Way 2020 Changed My Life

I recently had a conversation with a reader in which he stated “crisis can bring clarity” and that hit me hard. I think a lot of us have been living