As we come up on another cold and flu season I find myself sharing a piece of advice that I have shared just about yearly for probably the last 5
Body Basics & Beyond Archive
I Tried Cloth Menstrual Pads Again – Now I’m Obsessed

So, lately I’ve been getting the feeling that more and more people who get periods are starting to agree that disposable products kind of suck. They create a ton of
Body Positivity & Weight Loss Poll

Hey folks, I’ve been mulling over this question and I’d love to know what you think. When it comes to living a body positive life, is there ever room
You’re Doing It Wrong!!! 4 Ways to Mess Up Masturbation

It’s Masturbation May, a time to celebrate the wonder that is self-love. It has come to my attention that there are some fairly common practices can make masturbation not-so-fun so I
5 Ways to Stay Sex Positive When You’re Dealing With Depression

I’ve been having a hard time writing these last couple of weeks. New insurance led to a switch in which particular generic form of my antidepressant I received and lo
Talking About the Cervix (without pregnancy or cancer)

Recently I got curious about my cervix. Why, you ask? Well, I’ve been having a lot of fun sex (hooray for cute boy who makes me smile) and I noticed
Fun ways to put your mouth on other people- 6 hot oral sex positions with Kinkly!

Do you like oral sex? If you said “yes” then I have a treat for you! My new piece for features some awesome ways to rock it – Check
Ninjas, Mimes & Hot Sex- The Bedhead’s Quick Guide to Dirty Talk

The more I talk to folks about sex the more I see folks struggling with some of the same stuff over and over. High up on this list is sexual
The Ultimate Guide To Contraception

Hey Bedheads! So, here’s a handy little guide to your contraceptive options. If you want more information about the forms of contraception listed here check out my buddies at
Orgasms for Women. That is All.

So, from the folks at Mamiverse we have this lovely look at orgasms for women (I tried calling them “female orgasms” like the graphic does but kept going”orgasms don’t have