I firmly believe you should keep your friends close…and sometimes that calls for some lube. Seriously though, I recently received a request to do a little talking about lubricants and
Body Basics & Beyond Archive
Where The STDs At?!

Okay folks, clearly I want you protecting yourselves wherever you are but just in case you’re curious I found this handy little “heat map”of STDs to give you a little
12 Days of Christmas Contraception: A Birth Control Christmas Carol

Hey folks! I’m reporting to you live from my folks house where I am basking in the cozy holiday glow. That’s right, I said basking, it’s happening. Anyway, the other
Balls Out For Cancer or “A Kick In The Nuts Saved Someone I Love”

About a year and a half ago someone I love very much got kicked in the balls by his girlfriend. It was totally an accident but it was kind a
The Ultimate Guide to Safer Sex

Because safety is sexy! We talk a lot about the merits of being safe in our erotic endeavors but it seems folks aren’t always 100% clear on the hows and
Emergency Contraception: Don’t believe everything you hear

Because the moment after a condom breaks is a bad time to be fuzzy on facts The world is an imperfect and constantly changing place. Things don’t always go according
Come on! Orgasms, Orgasms, Orgasms!

Oh, orgasms. How we’re having them, when we’re having them, if we’re having them at all seems to be a topic of great consternation. Single or multiple? Clitoral or
Strap it Up: A not-stupid guide to condoms

Condoms. I don’t think they’re on anybody’s “stuff I love” list but I’d put money on them being preferred to unplanned pregnancies and STIs so we use them and if
Ms. T – I pity the fool who messes with my IUD

On July 1st 2011 after years of changing prescriptions, screwed up refills and weird emotional side-effects I bid the world of hormonal birth control adieu and rolled out my
Dr. Foreskin or: How You Can Learn To Stop Worrying and Love the Hood

Several of my friends have never seen one, a few live in fear of encountering one and one refuses to have any interactions with them at all. I am referring