Last week on Twitter I talked about the same thing so much I finally felt like I had to address it: My tweets have been all about @PDXAcademyofSex lately, this week will
Geeking out Archive
The Academy of Sex Education, Adult Sex Ed & a Giveaway!

Some of you may know that I am the Education Coordinator & Lead Sex Educator for the Portland Academy of Sex Education, but do you know what that is? Well, the Academy of
You’re Doing It Wrong!!! 4 Ways to Mess Up Masturbation

It’s Masturbation May, a time to celebrate the wonder that is self-love. It has come to my attention that there are some fairly common practices can make masturbation not-so-fun so I
5 Ways to Stay Sex Positive When You’re Dealing With Depression

I’ve been having a hard time writing these last couple of weeks. New insurance led to a switch in which particular generic form of my antidepressant I received and lo
Talking About the Cervix (without pregnancy or cancer)

Recently I got curious about my cervix. Why, you ask? Well, I’ve been having a lot of fun sex (hooray for cute boy who makes me smile) and I noticed
My House is a Sexy Bed, Bath & Beyond- Sex Storage Like a Boss.

On Tuesday I posted to facebook a picture of my newest sex toy storage solution: On both the Bedhead page and my personal wall it created quite a stir- I
…And Dildo Makes Three – Introducing Sex Toys To Your Partner

When we were kids the universal sign for “do you want to be my friend?” was toy sharing, right? So, why is it that as adults we don’t tend to
Call for Submissions: Best Sex Writing 2015
Hey all! I’m re-posting this call for submissions on behalf of the awesome Jon Pressick (LOVE him!) If you are interested in submitting please follow the instructions on the bottom
Fun ways to put your mouth on other people- 6 hot oral sex positions with Kinkly!

Do you like oral sex? If you said “yes” then I have a treat for you! My new piece for features some awesome ways to rock it – Check
Erotica, Sex Toys & Me. I take Cleis Press on the road!

I’ve got a bunch of travel coming up and, frankly, not a moment too soon because I also have a small stack of books to work my way through