When I started writing about sex one of my big motivations was my lifelong belief that I was doing it wrong. After a coupe of months of writing I realized
Gettin’ Riled Up Archive
Stop Calling These Things “Porn For Women” (Or Anyone)

Heads up: because I’m taking on an inherently gendered phrase (porn for women), today’s post is a smorgasbord of gendered language and references assumptions that are frequently made along the
All The Times I Should Have Left My Terrible Therapist

For four years, 2007-2011, I saw a therapist mostly weekly with some periods of monthly visits when she thought I was “doing better”. Something that became very clear to me
The Womanizer Doesn’t Work For Me (And It’s Important To Talk About That)

I resisted testing one of recent history’s most popular toys – The Womanizer– for a while. See, I’m a broad stimulation chick; when folks say things like “pinpoint” in relation
What Mentally Ill Looks Like

I had planned on writing about sex this week (you know, like a sex writer) but then my state was hit with a tragedy yesterday. Another shooter, another school, another round
The Blind Leading the Blind- Is Abstinence Only Education To Blame For Parents Who Can’t Say “Penis”?

Earlier this week, California Judge Donald Black ruled that abstinence-only education isn’t actually sex education (preach, sir!), provides inaccurate information and doesn’t meet California’s curriculum guidelines. So, this leaves one to
Won’t Work For Free (Or Condoms)

This week I received an email (I’m sure many of my colleagues received it too) from a large, well-known condom company offering me the “opportunity” to “collaborate” with them
An Open Letter to Folks in the Sex & Depression Conversation

This post is the result of Crista Anne and my endless conversations about what we love and hate about the conversations coming out regarding sexuality and depression. After the glorious
Condoms, Cancer & Scare Tactics – How One Company Is Using Fear to Sell

Hey folks, what would you think if I suddenly announced that a study (that I funded) had found that all sex blogs apart from mine cause computer viruses and I,
Taking on Sexual Side Effects with Kinkly.com

Have you ever seen the lists of possible side effects for anti-depressants? They are pretty long and, what I’ve always found interesting is that they are fairly detailed, naming very