Looking around on social media, it looks like a lot of my vaccinated friends are getting ready to head back into the dating world. Personally, I’m in no shape to
Live & Learn Archive
Now is Not the Time: Taking Space to Heal (Even When My Brain Objects)

I’ve been feeling it again lately, the pull, the pressure, the anxiety, the voice in my head that says “do more!” “be more!” “you are never going to achieve anything
When Crisis Brings Clarity: The Unexpected Way 2020 Changed My Life

I recently had a conversation with a reader in which he stated “crisis can bring clarity” and that hit me hard. I think a lot of us have been living
You’re Still You: Remembering sexuality is not dictated by how much sex you are having

So, here we are in month 5 (FIVE!) of quarantine and I want to talk to you about something I’ve seen a bunch of folks struggling with online: the feeling
Make Your Home A Sexy Haven (without buying stuff)

Over the years I’ve talked a lot about the proliferation of toys and other sex paraphernalia that fill my home but what I’ve never discussed is how, in spite of
Comfort Media: 12 Series & 1 Podcast to Soothe Your Socially Isolated Mind

Hey folks! So I know a lot of us are isolating at home right now and it’s a scary time so a lot of us are probably anxious and scared
2019 Best of Bedhead: Posts, Podcasts, Projects and More!

Well, here we are, it’s time once again for my annual “Best of” list and, as has become the tradition with said list, my annual look at what I did
To Get The Sex You Want Online, Read The Damn Room

Whether you are looking for love or just sex, the internet can be a confusing place with ads telling you to have an affair or to sign up and exclusively
When a Sex Writer Doesn’t Want to Have Sex or Write

CW: depression, anxiety, discussion of body image/weight I am a sex writer. That’s my profession. Sure, I tend to present it as part of a list: “Sex Writer, Educator, Mental
Relieve Sinus Pain & Pressure with a Bullet Vibe!

As we come up on another cold and flu season I find myself sharing a piece of advice that I have shared just about yearly for probably the last 5