I was so excited to go to Milwaukee. I thought I was going to hit jukeboxes and put gloves on beer bottles and other people thought I was going to go to this
Shop Write Ups Archive
Sexploratorium, Philadelphia PA – Superhero Sex Shop

Most of the shops on the tour I had some knowledge of before I got to, be it from having been there already or lots of online interaction, I felt
Babeland LES, NYC – Superhero Sex Shop

As you may remember from my shout out in Why Good Sex Shops Matter my very first good sex shop experience took place on Rivington Street in NYC, circa 2003
Eve’s Garden, NYC – Superhero Sex Shop

UPDATE: Eve’s Garden seems to now be Lady Konfidential! According to the internet, it’s still the same beautiful, empowering shop. The kinks have been changed to the new site but
Oh My Sensuality Shop, Northampton MA- Superhero Sex Shop

So, I’m getting ready to hit the road for The Superhero Sex Shop Tour- woohooo!! Before I moved out of Boston though, I visited the New England-based shops on the
She Bop – Portland’s Sex Positive Wonderland

The following is a completely true story: On July 1, 2012 my brother and sister-in-law loaded my two favorite cats into carriers and embarked on a two- week cross-country drive to