Hey folks!
As you may know, my latest book In It Together: Navigating Depression with Partners, Friends, and Family came out at the beginning of March and I’ve been all over the place doing events and podcasts and stuff to promote it. Now that I’ve hit a calmer patch in my schedule and we are coming up on Mental Health Awareness Month, I thought it might be fun to host a book club! What does this mean? It means that for the month of May I will hold one hour Zoom meetings every Tuesday evening to discuss In It Together! Check out the schedule!
In It Together Book Club Schedule:
- May 2nd: Where Are We & How Did We Get Here?
(Intro & Chapter 1)
Week one looks at how the book came to be and why it’s necessary. A lot of us think that “mental health is difficult to talk about” is just a given but this week will help us understand why so many of us feel that way and hopefully, understanding that will help us challenge it. - May 9th: What’s Happening and Obstacles
(Chapters 2 & 3)
Week two takes a deeper look at the depression experience as well as the obstacles that can stand between people with depression and people who want to support them (and vice versa). For folks who don’t have depression, it’s a time to learn. For folks who do have depression, it’s a time to understand and, hopefully, feel validated. - May 16th: Letting Go of Understanding, Relationship Dynamics, and Teams
(Chapters 4, 5 & 6)
I probably shouldn’t play favorites but, I’m not going to lie, week three is my favorite. We will take apart one of the big sticking points I’ve seen come up time and again, look at some of the problematic dynamics that depression can bring to our relationships (including the thing that can legit kill them) and discuss the first (BIG) step to maintaining relationship health when depression is involved.
NOTE: Don’t be daunted by the fact that this week covers three chapters instead of two. Not only are they the book’s shorter chapters but they also fit together a bit like puzzle pieces, creating a cohesive picture. - May 23rd: Putting it into Action and Support for Everyone
(Chapters 7 & 8)
So far we’ve talked about a lot of over-arching ideas and in week 4 we talk about practical steps to put those ideas into action. Additionally, this is where we make sure everyone in the relationship is getting the support we need. - May 30th: What not to do and what to ACTUALLY do
(Chapters 9, 10 & Conclusion)
There’s stuff we do unintentionally that makes life with depression SO. MUCH. HARDER. Our final week will look at how to avoid that, some actual helpful stuff to do instead, and how everything we’ve read over the month fits together. You’ll also leave with the book’s resources is a more accessible format!
NOTE: OK so this actually is the longest section of reading you will be assigned but bear in mind that chapter 10 is primarily made up of lists. Consequently, it’s a much speedier read. Again, don’t be daunted!
Sound good? I’d sure love to have you join us! Here are details:
This is a BYOB (Bring your own book) affair! You can get your paperback, ebook, or audiobook (whatever format works for you!) from wherever is most convenient for you. If you need suggestions, I, of course, have some!
The sign up fee is $150 for all 5 meetings (they’re a package deal!) BUT there is an EARLY BIRD SPECIAL Sign up before 4/26 and you’ll pay just $125.
Finally, I don’t mean to be a tease but since I’ll be Zooming from home, there’s a chance my dog Grover will make an appearance, just putting that out there.
Don’t worry, though, I’m pretty sure we’ll be doing this again! Want to be the first to know when I do? Sign up for my not-at-all-annoying (seriously I only use it a couple of times a year!) mailing list!