At last it’s here! The long-awaited Doxy Number 3, the new small wand from the wonderful folks at Doxy, makers of some of the best wand vibrators on earth. Okay, real talk, I’ve actually had one since August, when the lovely folks from Doxy gave me one at Woodhull’s Sexual Freedom Summit. I’m sorry, I know it’s not fair but that is the life of one who writes about sex stuff. Anyway, more real talk, I didn’t start off in love with it. I had a bit of a “you’re not my mommy!” moment with the Doxy Number 3 in the beginning but then some things happened- you’ll hear (graphically) about one of them in a minute- and now I actually like it a lot! So today, at the request of my friends at Peepshow Toys, I’m going to tell you 9 reasons why. Why 9? Well I arrived at that number using the same unassailable logic Linda Belcher uses to explain why it’s easy to remember her September 3rd wedding anniversary:
So, without further ado, I bring you:
My Nine Favorite Things About the Doxy Number 3
It’s Super Cute!
Let’s just get that out of the way. I could be really serious and try to talk about the Doxy Number 3 without mentioning that it looks like the little baby version of the Doxy Die Cast and that’s freaking adorable but, why should I have to? It’s cute as hell, deal with it. Due to the excessive cuteness I had to work hard to train myself out of referring to it as the “Mini Doxy”.
Is That A Doxy In Your Pocket?
The Doxy Number 3 is small. Okay, so maybe that feels obvious, especially coming off the last point but it’s actually, practically speaking, super-relevant. I was in a shop last June that had no Doxys in it whatsoever and once I got over my shock and regained my power of speech I asked why. The owner told me that she felt like it was just too darn big. I, at that point, knew the Doxy Number 3 was on its way and said “so what if there was a little version?” and her face lit up. Not everyone is a giant wand monarch like myself, some folks want the benefits without the size- enter the Doxy Number 3. Also, it tucks so neatly into my purse (not that largeness ever kept me from traveling with my Doxy, but it’s noteworthy)- Doxy-to-go!
No More Masturbatory Carpal Tunnel!
I love me a wand, no doubt, but something that has come up time and again in wand-related conversations is the fact that they can be an accessibility nightmare. For folks who can’t hold heavy things comfortably, using a big heavy wand just isn’t practical. At just 12 oz, the Doxy Number 3 is a significantly lighter option.
That Lovely (Quiet) Purr!
I’ll admit it, the Doxy has never been the quietest of wands. It always has a distinct “getting down to business” “revving the engines” RAWR to it. I love it but, you know, maybe it’s not your thing. The Doxy Number 3 has more of a purr. It’s a bit mellower, a bit more subtle.
More Than Doggy Style! (aka The Point I Was Afraid to Make)
Okay, so we talk all the time about how “all toys are couples’ toys!” (agreed) and I am definitely not onboard for the “sex toys should be small and not interfere with your ‘experience'” sentiments some companies swear by (Looking at you, Dame). Additionally I have successfully incorporated large wands into my partnered sex life for YEARS, so there are several reasons why I have wrestled with coming out and saying “the smaller one is easier to use with a partner”. That said, as someone whose partnered sex life consists largely of P in V intercourse (and, yes, I do actually love it) well, for me it is. See, sometimes I struggle with getting something as powerful as I want it into the space that is left after everyone’s bodies are where we want them- especially in face-to-face positions. Many wands don’t fit well in that set up (for me it’s like “using a wand? doggy style it is!”) or if they do, there’s not enough power to get me there.This toy is small enough and powerful enough for me to use on myself in face-to-face positions AND actually have an orgasm. To put it a bit more bluntly, the Doxy Number 3 made it easy for me to have a clitoral orgasm on my partner’s cock (no small feat for me to begin with) while facing him and for that alone I love it.
Off With Its Head!
To be filed under “so simple it’s brilliant” the silicone head screws off. One of the downsides of corded wands is that you can’t run them under water to clean them, Doxy fixed that here and made a super secure head that screws on and off for easy cleaning. It’s lovely. Now, admittedly Palm kind of did the removable head thing a couple of years ago but theirs was a silicone cap that popped on and off and would sadly pop off when you didn’t want it too. The screw-on nature of the Doxy Number 3 head makes it totally secure. But, speaking of Palm…
I Can Finally Use Those Palm Attachments!
So, the Palmpower wand (which is a nifty little wand in its own right) brought with it a bevy of attachments that are sold separately and, theoretically, can be put on when the regular head is popped off. sadly, when this theory is put into practice the whole “insecure head” thing I mentioned before really becomes clear- they (especially the big ones) tend to pop right off. Well, I have some exciting news: The Doxy Number 3 is compatible with those Palm attachments! They fit perfectly and, because of the threads for the screw-on head, stay on securely. Suddenly your Doxy Number 3 can be used in a bunch of ways! It’s pretty awesome!

Attachment on the left is half of the PalmBody set. The other two are the PalmSensual set.
The Louise Belcher Sex Toy You’ve Always Dreamed Of!
Yeah, one of the Palm attachments looks just like Louise Belcher’s hat. Pop it on the Doxy Number 3 and you’ve got yourself a Louise Belcher Doxy Wand. The attachment is part of the PalmBody set (its mate is in the photo above) and is ostensibly intended for hand/finger massage but I contend this is a completely legit use of it. I don’t know if anyone will find this nearly as amusing as I do but I find it REALLY. FRIGGIN’. AMUSING. so we’re talking about it.
It’s Still a Doxy Wand!
My love of Doxy wands is no secret. This is my 5th one (2 Originals, a Die Cast, & a red Die Cast) and I can frequently be spotted wearing one around my neck. There’s a reason for this: Doxy makes damn good products. The Doxy Number 3 is no exception. Sure it’s littler than its predecessors, maybe a bit like someone hit the Die Cast with a shrink ray, but it’s a Doxy and it lives up to the name. Doxy Number 3 isn’t a cute little mini version of a good toy, it’s a good toy in its own right.
The Doxy Number 3 retails for $149.00 and you can get yours at Peepshow Toys
Want some more wand recommendations? I have plenty! I even broke them into two categories, check it out!
If you want a wand by Doxy:
If you want a smaller wand:
All of these and more are available from Peepshow Toys! Save 10% with code REDHEAD!
Thank you to the folks at Doxy for giving me the Doxy Number 3 to try and for their continued awesomeness.
I accepted compensation from Peepshow Toys to write about this product. The views expressed here are my own. My product policy is simple: I will never lie about liking something if I don’t but when I do like something it’s hard to get me to shut up about it.