Folks, Ducky Doolittle is a sex educator (and friend) who I love and admire greatly. In 2017 she battled cancer and now, due to the resulting medical debt, she needs help. If you can give, that’s wonderful, if you cannot, I get it and would so appreciate it if you could share this campaign. Ducky has helped so many people and deserves to have that help returned to her! Check out the details below.
From the YouCaring page:
“Ducky DooLittle is an icon in our world. She is an educator, blogger, and brand rep. Her empathy, activism and ethics are an inspiration for all of us. She is a certified Sexual Assault and Violence Intervention Counselor, a former foster kid fighting for current foster kids to get the sex education they need and deserve, and helps train med students on how to address sexual issues with care and compassion. Ducky is one of my heroes and is respected and adored by everyone who knows her.
In September, Ducky was diagnosed with endometrial cancer. In November, she had a hysterectomy. Throughout her diagnosis, surgery, and other treatments, Ducky has been writing about the impact cancer is having on her life — you can read more about her journey here.
It’s now December and Ducky is doing better. She even received her first “no evidence of disease” report after surgery! Unfortunately, she’s facing a mountain of medical bills to contend with… and that’s where we come in.
Ducky has done so much for our community. If you are an educator, blogger, podcaster, performer, writer, or sex toy peddler, you’ve very likely been impacted by Ducky’s amazing, fearless work (whether you know it or not). She’s been a rock in our little universe for years, and the sex toy industry and sex education and blogging worlds wouldn’t be the same without her. It’s time for us to show Ducky the compassion she’s gifted our community for years and try our hardest to help her pay her medical bills.
As of December 2017, Ducky owes $57,386 for her cancer treatment. She’s been documenting her bills throughout her treatment process, and you can find that here. Ducky has filed with the insurance company to see if they will change their determination on the biggest bill (over $48,000). If they won’t, she’s going to ask the hospital for any available discounts — in some cases people have been able to get bills reduced by 25%.
We’re hoping to raise $55,000 to help Ducky pay her bills. Cancer diagnosis and treatment are difficult enough without the added stress of paying an exorbitant amount of bills. Ducky shouldn’t have to go through this — so we’re hoping that with your help, we can alleviate some of this massive burden. If Ducky is able to negotiate anything lower with the hospital or insurance company, we’ll lower this goal.”