So, as you read this I am on a plane to Toronto. I know it seems like I’ve been on the Superhero Sex Shop Tour for a while already but this week marks what I have been thinking of as the “road trip” portion of the tour (Said she who has in the last 6 weeks covered ME, MA, NYC, NJ, PA, MD, DC and OR). I’m so excited to be hitting the road and there’s so much going on this week. Here goes:
Today – April 5
Toronto– I get to go see Come As You Are! You may remember that just last week CAYA was in danger of closing. Well, through social media savvy, community action and general bad-assery Come As You Are was saved- I am so happy to be able to go see (and patronize- support your local businesses!)these folks! Then I head over to Good For Her, not only a Superhero Sex Shop but also the force behind the Feminist Porn Awards (funny story, this whole trip was originally going to be two weeks earlier until Carlyle from Good For Her pulled my ear about the awards and here we are) which I am totally going to tonight!
April 6-8
Chicago– Chicago is a long stop and I will be busy! The Superhero Sex Shop on my list is Early to Bed. If you read me regularly you know I reference them often, have had them on my approve list of shops forever and they live in my sidebar. I love them and can’t wait to visit and hug Searah!! So, what the heck else will I be doing with all that time? Well, I do plan on checking out what other sexy shopping the city has to offer (Pleasure Chest is one of my Superheroes and they do have a Chicago outpost) and it looks like I might get to meet some more of my favorite sex positive folks. Including Erica from Get Lusty, Zoe from Life on the Swingset (which you should be reading.) the folks from Tea Time & Sex Chats and maybe, possibly, if I get very lucky the one and only Sunny Megatron. Damn, there’s a lot of good sex in Chicago.
April 9
Milwaukee- speaking of places I had no idea there was so much good sex, Milwaukee is the first of two stops I’m making in Wisconsin. (That’s right, large swathes of the country have no good sex shops but Wisconsin has two!) but let’s stay with Milwaukee for a moment. I’ll be visiting the Tool Shed which sounds awesome- not only do they have great stuff, an awesome vibe and terrific classes but they also seem to share my love of yarn crafts- I’m so excited to be catching their Subversive Stitches exhibit!
April 10
Madison – In addition to meeting one of my oldest (time-wise not age-wise) twitter followers I’m visiting one of the most unique Superhero Sex Shops – A Woman’s Touch. This shop is owned by a counselor and an M.D.- come on! That’s just cool!
April 11
Minneapolis– My last port of call is Smitten Kitten. Owned by Jennifer Pritchett, this is the shop where the Coalition Against Toxic Toys was born. Jennifer is like a pioneer in the field of not putting horribly toxic things against your genitals! With Smitten Kitten’s commitment to body-safe products I’m extra-excited to check out the stock here.
April 12
On to Portland where I’ll be setting up shop for the foreseeable future. As happy as I’ll be to settle in somewhere (and get my Hitachi out of storage! Seriously.) I am already planning the next leg of the tour- Seattle and Vancouver! Stay tuned.
I’ll be tweeting all through the week so follow along and be in touch- Let me know if you’re in any of these places and want to come shopping with me!