In about a month I’ll be packing my bags and heading to Toronto for Playground 2015 . Along with Stephen Biggs, I’ll be presenting The Monster Under The Bed: Starting the Conversation About Sex and Depression. I’m so excited to be going to the Playground – the schedule was already looking fabulous and then they announced that Mollena Williams was doing the closing keynote and my head damn near exploded- and I’m beyond thrilled to be speaking, especially after the wonderful response this topic received at Woodhull.

I’m also looking forward to spending a couple of days surrounded by people who passionately think, care, talk and do. I’m looking forward to actually seeing the faces behind the avatars I see online and giving real hugs to the folks I “see” through my computer daily but in the flesh rarely. However, my introverted nature and deeply ingrained “don’t bother anyone” instincts sometimes keep me from approaching new folks but if you spot me (it’s easy, look for the hair) I promise I’d love to chat – seriously.
This trip wouldn’t be possible for me without the help of my favorite sexy superheroes– the good folks at SheVibe! My love for this company has never been a secret and I am thrilled to be representing them on this trip. Be on the lookout for me at Playground, I will have some SheVibe swag and even some gift cards (I think we’ll do something fun with those!). Their site is rad, they are wonderful people and I so appreciate their support both on this trip and in general – Seriously, the SheVibe crew has always been super-supportive of me and I appreciate it to no end. Thank you so much to SheVibe for making this trip possible for me!