You know how sometimes you’ll know of someone for a while before you actually meet them? How you have time to develop all sorts of ideas about who they are before you know them and then, if you’re like me, you find out that a lot of those ideas were wrong? (everyone is always way less scary than I expect) That is exactly how my relationship with Jimmyjane has played out.
I’ve always been aware of them but never really interacted. I actually found them kind of intimidating (probably because of stuff like this) and apart from one massage candle I had never owned any of their stuff. Then in two weeks I got two of their toys, the Hello Touch and the Form 4. Today we’re going to talk about the latter which I was given by the awesome folks at the Jimmyjane table at ANME.
Honestly, I had never given the Form 4 any attention. I’ve heard so much about the Form 2 and with my particular preferences the Form 6 was always appealing. At the booth at ANME Lady Cheeky and I were talking about the toys and she was raving about the Form 2 while I was (once again) considering the Form 6. The woman working the booth jumped in and asked what we thought of the Form 4. My answer was pretty much that I didn’t. A quick demo later I was thinking…
So, what’s the deal with this toy? It’s a waterproof, rechargeable, silicone vibrator with 4 vibration patterns and 5 speeds.
How does it work? So, while the Form 4 has pretty simple push-button controls I did manage to get confused. So, the buttons are labelled “+”, “-” and “~”* and to start it you hit the “+”. I kept hitting the “~” (because it was the different one) and wondering why the toy still wasn’t charged… yeah, wrong button. So, quick guide to the Form 4’s buttons:
- “+” – This one increases the speed and also turns the toy on.
- “-” – This one decreases the speed and also turns the toy off.
- “~” – This one cycles through the 4 modes.
How does it feel? The silicone is soft and smooth- it’s the kind of silicone I love. The curvy shape (which I quite like even though it brings to mind clown punching bags), the lovely silicone, the nearly invisible controls and the smooth steel magnetic charging port at the base make this toy kind of beautiful. Almost perfect. Almost. See, the silicone is in two pieces that are joined with an obvious seam along the whole toy. Not loving that. The Form 4 comes so close to sleek aesthetic perfection only to be tripped up by something confusing and ugly. Imagine David Beckham showed up with a mullet and everyone was like “why?!” and “that makes no sense!” and “I thought he’d know better” That’s how I feel about the seam on the Form 4.
No, seriously, how does it feel? I was excited to try this one after holding it at ANME and it did well by me. The shape makes it easy to hit the places I like. The strength (when turned way up – you know how I do) was great and it hit a decent balance between rumbling vibrations and buzzy ones. Worth noting- this is the first toy whose vibration patterns I actually use and enjoy.
Things I’m down with:
- Yay silicone! Always
- Yay rechargeable!
- I like the shape. I’m a broad clitoral/perineal stimulation gal and this gives me both.
- When you buy from the Jimmyjane site there’s a purchase option that includes Blossom Organics products. (it’s called “Slip & Zing”)
- Waterproof and, frankly, the first waterproof toy that I’ve ever actually wanted to use in water
Things that make me go grr:
- So, the charger requires that the toy stand up in a dock. I have 2 issues here: 1. It requires that I either clear a space for the dock each time I charge or leave the dock set up constantly. 2. If the toy is not positioned just right it won’t charge (look for the light by the controls to come on) I put it in the charger and took a shower. when I came back I realized it hadn’t been charging at all.
- The seam all the way around it. This is not a cheap piece and Jimmyjane is aiming for the “luxury” market- I was expecting all-around smoothness.
- The price tag. I like this toy. I like it a lot. But it’s a $145 toy. I’m never comfortable being like “yeah totally go drop a considerable amount on a sex toy” because I know that while I’m cool with that a lot of folks aren’t. Also, some toys I can say “this is life-changing and worth the money! this, while a good toy doesn’t land in the “life-changing” category.
Maybe not relevant:
I don’t get the numbering. There’s the Form 2, 3, 4 & 6. What about 1 or 5?
You can get your Jimmyjane Form 4 here:
Thank you to Jimmyjane for giving me the Form 4!
Jimmyjane seems to have gone on to big nightstand in the sky but I remember it fondly.
This product was provided to me free of change in exchange for my honest review. My review policy is simple: I will never lie about liking a product if I don’t (in fact I probably won’t even write about it) but when I do like something it’s hard to get me to shut up about it.
*The design on the button is not quite this but it’s close enough.