So, from the folks at Mamiverse we have this lovely look at orgasms for women (I tried calling them “female orgasms” like the graphic does but kept going”orgasms don’t have genders!”). Now, this list isn’t perfect. I would love it to involve some talk of orgasms achieved through anal stimulation (I’ve been reading up on the perineal sponge lately- more on that to come!) but there is some super-fun stuff in here- hello U-spot! Although, does anyone else feel like this whole naming everything a “spot” rather than saying the anatomical name thing is getting out of hand? The G in g-spot stood for someone’s name, the U in u-spot stands for urethra, which is already a part of your body… I’m women start talking about putting a penises in their V-spots I’m just going to give up. Just putting that out there.
Anyway, enjoy! Then maybe go have some orgasms.