I admit it, I have a sexy underwear buying problem. I know Victoria. She’s told me her secrets. I have a bunch of sparkly, pretty, impractical but gorgeous matching sets of underthings. But here’s the what: No one ever sees them. Not because I am celibate and not because I don’t wear them. On the contrary, before an evening with a paramour I will spend time making sure I look as good (if not better) in my under garments as I do in my clothes.
Cut to the next morning when I wake up to find my pretty panties on my bedroom floor, (possibly still inside my pants because sometimes folks get zealous and stuff comes off all at once) and my gorgeous bra in the living room on the couch where it was left after being unhooked while my shirt was still on and ultimately torn off like a pesky lace annoyance standing between someone and breasts.
The upshot? No one saw my underwear at all. I could have been wearing pantaloons and my Super Grover t-shirt and it probably wouldn’t have affected the situation.
But I still love sexy underwear. I still feel super hot in cute matching bra and panty sets. I still wear sexy underthings when I go on dates. I still cling to the hope that one day someone will see it without me having to stage a pin-up shoot.
What about you folks? Where do you stand on the issue? Does it matter? Does the fact that it makes you feel hot matter?
I’m taking a poll (dirty!) Tell me what you think! What’s your sexy underwear philosophy?