So, with the hubbub of the holidays and with my traditional post-holiday illness striking (this year I was impressive, I got sick TWICE in two weeks!) I have neglected to properly make a very important and exciting announcement: After four years of working on my book The Monster Under the Bed: Sex, Depression, and the Conversations We Aren’t Having, I have a publisher!
Guess who just signed a contract to publish her book! THIS GIRL!
— JoEllen Notte (@JoEllenNotte) December 18, 2018
And it’s not just any publisher, it’s a very, very cool publisher. After listening to a football team worth of literary agents and editors dismiss a book that looks at sex and mental health as “too niche” and “not something we think there’s consumer interest in” and (my personal favorite) “Brave and important but not right for me at this time”, my book will be published by Thorntree Press.
Thorntree Press is a Pacific Northwest-based company that is known for awesome books like More Than Two: A Practical Guide to Ethical Polyamory, Ask Me About Polyamory: The Best of Kimchi Cuddles, Love’s Not Color Blind: Race and Representation in Polyamorous and Other Alternative Communities, and Ask: Building Consent Culture and a whole bunch more! Sex positive and not afraid to take on daunting topics, I couldn’t imagine a better home for this book. I am honored that they have chosen to publish The Monster Under the Bed.
Thank you all for all of your encouragement and support over the last four years. This book has represented a long journey for me. One that I’ve made while also navigating health issues and one that, without a publisher, often felt like it was happening in a vacuum. I can’t even express how grateful I am to be at this place where I can see the book actually coming to life. Thank you all for helping me get here.
So, when will the book be available? Well, that’s still a little while off. I’m wrapping up the first complete draft over the next two months and all I know for sure is that we are expecting the book sometime in 2020.
In the meantime, if you want to help support me as I finish the book and get it ready to face the world, my Patreon is still active. Every Monday morning I publish previews, allowing my patrons to check out the book on its path to completion. I’d love to have you join us at! Want to offer support but find financial support is not feasible for you? I 100% get that! In that case, spreading the word and sharing my Patreon is an awesome way to help me bring this book to life. Either way, I appreciate each of you and recognize your vital role in getting me to this place. Thank you!