As we come up on another cold and flu season I find myself sharing a piece of advice that I have shared just about yearly for probably the last 5 years or so: Use a bullet vibrator to relieve sinus pain and pressure!
As we head into fall I would like to remind everyone that bullet vibes are excellent for relieving sinus pain and pressure
— JoEllen Notte (@JoEllenNotte) September 20, 2019
Seriously, I talk about this A LOT. Why? Because it works! I’m a huge fan of neti pots and antihistamines but, seriously, sometimes they just don’t cut it and this usually does.

This is Crista Anne using (from what I can tell) the 3-Speed Original Bullet from Tantus.
I learned about this practice from the fabulous Crista Anne YEARS ago and ever since then I have shared a Tumblr-based tutorial on how to do it every year (you can find the link to it in the tweet above). However, since last year’s Tumblr-pocalypse I don’t really trust that platform to keep the content available. So this year I’m devoting a whole post to it myself. (and, frankly, given how rarely I’ve been posting as I focus on my upcoming book, this is a pretty big deal!). Before we get down to it, I want to make sure we all know I am not a doctor (I don’t even play one on TV), I’m just someone who gets some bad congestion, owns a bunch of vibrators, and knows how to make those facts work together.
So, without further ado, let’s talk about how bullet vibes can be your savior in the face of sinus pain and congestion!
What you need
First things first, you will need a bullet vibrator. I have some personal favorites for this as indicated by last year’s tweet:
Nothing says “sex writer with a sinus headache” like 4 seldom-used bullet vibes charging via chargers that probably don’t belong to them on a kitchen counter. .#sexwriter #sexwriterlife #lifehacks #sinusheadache #sinusinfection #ouch
— JoEllen Notte (@JoEllenNotte) January 5, 2019
My favorites are (in this order):
- Charged Positive Rechargeable 20 Function Vibrator by Screaming O (the larger pink one, I actually own two of this vibe but can’t find the charger for either. It’s a real bummer)
- Tango Waterproof Discreet Vibrator by We-Vibe (the white one)
- Exposed Nocturnal Rechargeable Lipstick Vibe by Blush Novelties (the purple one)
- Charged Vooom Rechargeable 10 Function Bullet By Screaming O (the smaller pink one)
These are just the bullet vibes I happen to have in my house and thus have used for my own sinus issues and while I love them, there are TONS of bullet vibe options out there in all different styles, sizes, textures, and price points. Check out She Vibe’s outstanding selection here.
I also like to apply a couple of drops of White Flower Oil to my temples and under my nose but that part is totally optional.
If you have the time/patience, I recommend steaming first. I currently own a facial steamer but you can do it easily with a bowl of hot (like stop the kettle right before boiling) water. Drape a towel over your head, lean over the bowl, and breathe deeply. I like to do this for about 5 minutes but you can safely do it for up to 15. BONUS: adding a few drops of eucalyptus oil can make steaming more effective.
It’s probably a good idea to clean your bullet vibe first, especially if you actually use it as a vibrator. The bullets in my house are used almost exclusively for sinus-clearing and so I have the terrible habit of not cleaning them often (seriously, I’m terrible to my skin), you will probably want to be nicer to your skin than I am to mine.
If you are sensitive to vibration you may want to have a washcloth or something similar on hand to place between your vibrator and your face. Again, I never do this myself but we all respond to vibration differently.
If you have any nose piercings or even earrings, it’s a good idea to take them out before doing this.
Getting down to it
Okay, here’s the part you’re here for, using your vibe to clear your sinuses! I tend to use the vibe over three different areas, completing both sides of each area before moving on to the next. Here’s the order I go in:
- The ears: This is especially nice if your ears are clogged or if you, like me, get that thing where it feels kind of itchy between your ears. Apply the vibrator (turned on, of course) to the point of your jaw bone, kind of under and slightly behind your ear. Run the vibrator along the groove behind your ear. If your ears are clogged, spend a bit of time here behind the ear. You may feel a “pop!”, or start to cough and/or yawn. Repeat on the other side.
- Above the eyes: Starting at the temples (the indentations above the outer ends of your eyebrows) run the vibrator slowly along forehead just above the brow bones/eyebrows, moving in towards the center of your forehead/above your nose. Repeat on the other side.
- Cheeks and nose: Starting next to the tragus (that little flap between your face and the opening of your ear), slowly and gently move the vibrator along the underside of your cheek bone (do not go above your cheekbone or near your eye), moving towards your nose. Keep moving it along until you reach your nose and hold it there for a couple of seconds. (this is usually when I sneeze, which feels really good). Repeat on the other side.
You might find that this process results in your nose suddenly running A LOT or, if you are like me, you might get a lot of that whole “stuff running the back of your throat” thing. Apparently which way it goes can depend on factors like where specifically you are stuffed up or how your sinuses are tilted.
When I’m up to it, I will use a neti pot after all of this. Sometimes, though, if I’m really feeling gross, I will just do this process, apply some VapoRub and try to sleep.
Stuff to keep in mind:
- As with anything, be gentle with yourself.
- Many vibrators offer a variety of speeds. Play with it to find the intensity that works best for you.
- This process sometimes feels a little intense but it should not hurt. If it does go back to the steaming and try only running the vibrator along the jawbone. This will still get things vibrating but with less intense direct contact.
- If none of this helps at all or if the process is particularly painful, see a doctor. As much as I like to think otherwise, vibrators can’t always solve all of our problems.
So that’s the story on bullet vibe sinus clearing. I hope you found it helpful and that you are all out there breathing comfortably and getting plenty of fluids and rest.
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