It feels like we’ve all been waiting for YEARS for my book (mostly because we have!) but it’s coming on March 27, 2020! Okay, sure, the release date is still 6 months away but The Monster Under the Bed in on its way. Check it out on the Thorntree Press site or take a peek see the GORGEOUS cover right over there —–>
When I first started writing about sex and depression and researching the book, something I heard a lot was “people don’t want to talk about sex and depression”. My experience over the last 5 years has shown me that that is far from true. Now, as I prepare to unleash The Monster Under the Bed I find myself incredibly appreciative of you folks for reading, sharing, and supporting my work for all these years. I could not have done this without you. I genuinely believe that this book can and will help people coping with depression and the people who love them and I would endlessly appreciate it if you could help me get it into the hands of as many people as possible.
So, how can you help? As we get closer there will be opportunities to to review The Monster Under the Bed as well as host giveaways and other fun stuff. For now, though, the steps you can take are a bit smaller. Let’s check them out!
1. Tell the world you want to read The Monster Under the Bed!
Are you familiar with Goodreads? It’s a cool online community that revolves around books! It includes book listings, reviews, discussion groups and a whole lot more! Your profile can feature lists of things you’ve read, things you are reading and, this is the important part things you WANT TO read! so, head over to Goodreads and mark The Monster Under the Bed “want to read”! You’ll see the dropdown menu under the cover image, select “want to read” and you’re all set!