Hey folks, have you ever wanted to do what I do for a living? Have you been thinking about starting about blog? Do you already have a blog and want to take it to the next level? Here’s your chance to learn how!
Last fall Epiphora and I taught The Business of Blogging About Sex. It was completely sold out, we all had a blast, and some awesome new blogs were made. Did you miss it? Well, it’s back and now you can choose when and where you learn!
I’ve joined forces with the best reviewer in the business, Epiphora to take the skills, knowledge, and tricks of the trade that we’ve amassed in our 15+ years of combined experience sex blogging and pass them on to bloggers like you! We’ll teach you everything from building a site and carving out your own little niche to creating content creation and mastering social media. Also, how to make actual money with your blog! We’ve got over 57,000 words of information including advice from over 30 successful industry leaders here!
The Business of Blogging About Sex Independent Study:
Want to learn EVERYTHING? Check out the Independent Study! It’s all of the lessons from our original 4-week The Business of Blogging About Sex class, including tidbits of advice from over 30 successful industry leaders and a photography lesson from Penny, with the freedom to work independently and at your own pace and maybe even get started RIGHT NOW! Want some interaction and feedback from Epiphora and I? There’s an option for that too!
Individual Lessons:
Want to pick and choose only the lessons you absolutely need? Our Individual Lessons let you do just that! The Business of Blogging About Sex is broken up into four distinct lessons and you may not need them all, so why not do it à la carte? These lessons are designed to be completed independently but there is an option to complete them with feedback from Epiphora and I as well!
Individual Lesson #1: Setting Up and Setting Tone – Get started building your site & online identity!
Individual Lesson #2: Posting Like a Boss – Master content creation!
Individual Lesson #3: Making Blogging Pay Your Bills – Figure out the financials!
Individual Lesson #4: Building Your Empire – Build an audience (and a career)!
Are you ready to be a badass blogger? Come learn with us! Have questions? Take a peek at the FAQ. Want to hear what students think? Check out the Testimonials!
To stay in the badass blogger loop and get updates on The Business of Blogging About Sex sign up here!