I have spent much of the last year on a quest to find condoms I love. The testing process has been arduous. No, no it hasn’t, it’s been fun. In order try try out different condoms and not be stuck with condoms I don’t like (It happened once. I took to calling them “dick raincoats) I have been buying a lot of single condoms so when the folks at Lucky Bloke offered to let me try out one of their condom samplers I was psyched.
I was impressed by how many different samplers there are. Check it out, it’s awesome. I selected the “Japanese Ultrathin” sampler. When it arrived (in an envelope that fits in a mail slot, lest you’re worried about discretion) I found that they had also sent me one of their lube samplers (happy dance, I love lube), what’s more the condom sampler also came with lube samples in it! It was like Christmas but slippier! Here’s what came in the package:
So, the photo on the left shows the contents of the condom sampler: 12 condoms, 2 lube samples, a coupon good for 20% off a future order and a card with a neat tutorial on figuring out what size condom you need– I would explain it but I think you should get one and see!
The photo on the right is the contents of the lube sampler: 6 packets of lube.
Here’s the thing, both samplers were full of high-quality stuff. Lucky Bloke doesn’t go cheap on this stuff– there were condom and lubes that I recognize as more expensive (and thus hadn’t tried before). This is not to say that everything they send is pricey, it’s a good cross-section of the condom and lube population 🙂 The samplers range in price from $1.49 for a mini-sampler to $14.98  for the Ultimate sampler of various sizes and the lube samplers are $7.99. These are awesome deals that you especially appreciate when you realize you don’t like one of the more high-end items (for me it was a lube) and would have been annoyed if you’d purchased a full-size bottle/box.
Add to all of that Lucky Bloke’s awesome commitment to getting men in the right size condom (it really helps!) and you have a really terrific product. A terrific product that they bring right to your door– where my lazy people at?! I see no way to lose with this. Love it.
Go learn more about correct condom sizing and check out all the samplers at LuckyBloke.com
Thank you to Lucky Bloke for sending me the awesome samplers!
These products were provided to me free of change in exchange for my honest review. My review policy is simple: I will never lie about liking a product if I don’t (in fact I probably won’t even write about it) but when I do like something it’s hard to get me to shut up about it.